Is your heart open?
The Intentional Soul Podcast
I was recently interviewed by Thomas Ross on The Intentional Soul. It was a great experience! We talked about the power of laughter. The Intentional Soul looks at the world through the lens of higher consciousness and shares inspiring stories of personal transformation. I was fortunate enough to be a guest on the show. I found the experience […]
Taking the Leap, How To Learn To Believe In Yourself

Interview with Savio P. Clemente, Published in Authority Magazine Authority Magazine Interview on how to believe in yourself I have been interviewed for Authority Magazine by Savio P. Clemente. You can read the full interview by clicking on the button. And you can see the additional video I made with 5 tips on how to […]
A Miracle in Disguise

I will never forget the 31st of March 2010. It was a drizzly grey day. It was almost easter the Thursday before “Good Friday” though there would be nothing good at it all, I felt numb. I just got through my probationary period at work and then I already come up with such […]
When Life challenges the Sh*t out of you….

A few months ago I decided to launch my concept Laugh@sh*t. Doing this in English, even though I live in Holland. It just felt like the right thing, even though my mind was saying what the hell are you thinking??? I was feeling, not thinking. Due to Covid a lot of my contacts are in […]