Schedule a discovery call
Let’s book a complimentary discovery call! In this call, we can have a chat, get to know each other, so you can tell me what you really want, and together we can see how I can serve/guide you in the best possible way on the journey that you want to go on.

What can you expect in this call?
This call is all about you! During the conversation I would like to get a picture of you and your story so I can understand where you are at, what you love, and we will get it clear what you run into, what you really want and what is the right solution for you.
During the discovery call it is important to see if we can connect, and if there is a click between us. The only way so serve you best is to have a connection with you so you will be able to put your trust in me, and feel safe and secure enough to share what you want to share with me. I promise to give you everything of me to serve you best, I will listen to what you say but also hear what you say in between the lines or not really say out loud. Only if you feel free to be yourself with me with trust you will be able to open up for anything.
Don’t worry, after the call you can think about everything, so you make sure if it feels good for you. You might come up with some questions, so we can book a second call to have your questions answered. And then, if it is a good fit for the both of us, we can look into the best way to move forward, I will customize to your needs and we can get started. If for any reason I am not able to help you myself I will point you in the right direction so you will know what kind of possibilities there are.
Schedule a free discovery call!
Schedule a moment directly in my agenda or send me a message on whatsapp.
Now... What's next?
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Schedule a discovery call
Do you want something more personal?
Let’s book a complimentary discovery call! In this call, we can have a chat, get to know each other, so you can tell me what you really want, and together we can see how I can serve/guide you in the best possible way on the journey that you want to go on.
I would love to hear from you!
All love and talk to you soon!
Hit me up on WhatsApp
Schedule a call in my agenda

Stil have some questions?
I have some answers!
- I can let you discover what possibilities you have inside you, that you have many more qualities and compacities than you may be aware of now. Making the invisible visible.
- I don’t tell you what to do, but can guide you so you will discover your own limitless possibilities.
- I can show you how you can cope with fear and doubts, and give you new insights. Show you how you can put aside your limiting beliefs, and patterns that have held you back. And help you break through them, and put something helpful in place so it will never held you back again.
- I can help you discover your true identity, your dreams and goals.
- Once you discovered your dreams and goals I can keep you on track, so that you will keep moving forward to reach your dreams and goals.
- I can show you different ways to personal development, and growth, by using personalized techniques and my own experiences on what worked for me.
- Together we can work on growing and expanding your self-confidence, and self-responsibility so you will find how much more control you can have over your own life.
- I will guide you, support you and uplift you, inspire and motivate you through it all, so we are in this together, you don’t have to do this alone.
It is important to get to know the real you, and what is important to you. What makes your heart beat faster, what puts fire in your soul?
Discover how you do the things that you do and why. How do you respond to what you perceive, and how you can adjust this to more effective desirable results. What will benefit you more? We will look in how you can influence your mood, thoughts, feelings and behavior.
A combination of different techniques, exercises and most of all asking you the right questions that will make you find the right answers you have already in you but did not see yet. We will get to your core true you, and you will find back your pure authentic you.
My guidance is personal, goal oriented, humorous, direct if needed provocative but most of all lovingly and caring.
Every person is unique, everything will be personalized and customized to what you need and want. So it all depends on what you want to work on. Each session will last about 90 minutes, and after each session I will need about 30 minutes to make a report of things so we can keep track on how things are going, how you are progressing. Before we start I will ask you to fill in a list of emotions, and after each session I will ask you to fill in a list again so we also can keep that measured. That way we know where we still have room left for improvement and celebrate every success you are achieving along the way.
I would rather call it uncomfortably exciting. You will look at yourself in a new different way, and that means getting out of your comfort zone. That might feel uncomfortable at first, and you are the only one to decide if you want to do something or not.
Don’t worry as said you don’t have to do it alone, I will be there with you all the way. It is a process and a beautiful journey that you will be taking. You will learn new things, new possibilities, and new ways.
And most of all it does not have to be so uncomfortable or painful, I will make you see how you can Laugh @ your Sh*t no matter how bad it might look now. So there will be a lot of laughter and fun!
Remember laughter is the best therapy, and love is the best medicine.
This call is all about you! During the conversation I would like to get a picture of you and your story so I can understand where you are at, what you love, and we will get it clear what you run into, what you really want and what is the right solution for you.
During the discovery call it is important to see if we can connect, and if there is a click between us. The only way so serve you best is to have a connection with you so you will be able to put your trust in me, and feel safe and secure enough to share what you want to share with me. I promise to give you everything of me to serve you best, I will listen to what you say but also hear what you say in between the lines or not really say out loud. Only if you feel free to be yourself with me with trust you will be able to open up for anything.
Don’t worry, after the call you can think about everything, so you make sure if it feels good for you. You might come up with some questions, so we can book a second call to have your questions answered. And then, if it is a good fit for the both of us, we can look into the best way to move forward, I will customize to your needs and we can get started. If for any reason I am not able to help you myself I will point you in the right direction so you will know what kind of possibilities there are.
Coaching is an investment. An investment in the most valuable asset you have…. You! The great thing about investing in yourself is that it will last the rest of your life and it will pay off in so many different ways.
More pleasure in your life, more confidence, more inner peace, losing your limited beliefs, letting go of your past that’s been a weight on your shoulders and holding you back. More self-love, inspiration, energy, the freedom to be your true authentic self and becoming the best version of yourself without worrying about the opinions of others, discovering your own exceptional talents and finding out how you can use them and maximize them to life of satisfaction and fulfillment.
When I finally realized my life had to change and I wanted to join a year program someone asked me: “Are you worth it”? Without a doubt I said yes not even knowing what the result would be.
From the bottom of my heart it saved me in more ways then I could have imagined. I still had to do the work, but I got the exact tools I needed to move forward step by step to become who I am today.
There is no better investment in the biggest asset you have…. YOU.
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